Find a Workers’ Comp Lawyer in Alabama or Mississippi

Workers Compensation Attorney Mississippi

Nobody goes to work expecting to get injured on the job. But the reality is millions of American workers are injured in workplace accidents every year. Those injuries result in costly medical bills, lost wages, pain and suffering, and even death. Most workplace safety risks can be eliminated or greatly reduced when an employer provides proper safety training and proper equipment maintenance, and insists that their employees follow all applicable safety rules, policies, regulations and standards.

But even with all those safety precautions, life-changing workplace accidents happen. In most instances, injured workers progress through the workers’ compensation process smoothly. But sometimes insurance companies take advantage of employees who submit claims after a workplace injury, and their much-needed payments get delayed. If you or a loved one have been injured on the job in Alabama or Mississippi and are having trouble submitting a workers’ compensation claim, contact a workers’ comp lawyer at

Are You Getting the Workers’ Compensation You Deserve?

Not all workers injured on the job have the right to compensation. If you’ve been injured at work and don’t believe that you are receiving the workers’ comp insurance payments you’re entitled to, contact With a combined 55+ years of experience representing injured Alabama and Mississippi workers, one of our seasoned workers’ comp attorneys will quickly respond to your request.

If your insurance company is acting in bad faith or showing a failure to compensate for a valid claim, one of our workers’ comp lawyers will help you promptly pursue the compensation you’re entitled to. We handle all types of workplace injury cases in Alabama and Mississippi resulting from:

  • Falling objects
  • Scaffolding collapse
  • Dangerous products
  • Manufacturing defects
  • Falls
  • Crush or caught in/between accidents including ones from heavy machinery
  • Auto accidents while traveling on company business
Workers Compensation Lawyer Mississippi

If so, you are entitled to file a workers’ compensation insurance claim.

Those medical bills should be eligible for compensation under your workers’ comp plan.

If so, you should be compensated for lost wages.

If you’ve lost your job, it’s advisable to promptly consult a lawyer.

When you’ve been injured on the job, do not be tricked into giving up what’s rightfully yours. Report your injury to a supervisor or employer, and fill out the necessary documentation so that you can start receiving workers’ comp benefits. If you feel that you’re not being fully compensated or are getting harassed about the true nature of your injuries, a workers’ comp lawyer from SettleMyCase will defend your rights while helping you obtain the benefits you deserve. To speak with a workers’ comp lawyer today, send us your confidential FREE Case Analysis now.

Am I Entitled to Additional Compensation?

If you were injured on the job, you may even be entitled to more compensation than is available through the initial workers’ comp claims process. Depending on all the circumstances surrounding your accident, it’s possible that another company may be obligated to compensate you for your injuries and losses.

For example, if you were hurt in an offshore accident or on a construction site in Alabama or Mississippi, and your injury was caused by a dangerous or defective product, you might be entitled to additional compensation from the product’s manufacturer or distributor. To learn more, send us your confidential FREE Case Analysis Form now or contact us using the form below.  

Know Your Rights

Is your accident covered by worker’s compensation laws? Can you recover for pain and suffering? Can you recover if the accident was your fault? Who is responsible for your medical bills? How many employees does your company have? Did you miss work? What portion of your salary should you receive if you can’t work? Can my company fire me? What is an impairment rating? We can help with these questions. Contact by completing the form to the right or calling us.

We Can Help!